Wednesday 9 February 2011


When I dropped Emily off at school this morning, the Deputy Head asked me if I would like Emily to have aromatherapy massage at school!  If the reason for Emily's 'shutdown' is hormonal, this may help her!  Of course, I agreed, so today Emily had her aromatherapy massage and also 'dance massage'.  Apparently she was a bit surprised, but relaxed after a while.

After school, we went shopping, just to buy chocolate (dark healthy beautiful chocolate).  Then the hairdresser came!

We are trying everything to help Emily relax - our house now is full of the sound of Mozart from morning until night!!!!!  (don't know when I will get to listen to Radio 2 again!!!!).

I am also giving Emily Floradix Iron, just in case her iron levels are low, with the onset of her periods (apparently very common in young teenagers!).

Failing all this, she might have to have blood tests to check hormone levels, iron levels etc. (I don't envy the nurse that has to persuade her that putting a needle in her arm is a really good idea and she won't feel a thing!!!).  Hopefully, it won't come to that!!!?

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