Monday 14 February 2011


Emily had a good day at school today.  She had her aromatherapy massage, followed by swimming!!!!!   I don't know, school is not what it used to be!!!

This afternoon, she made me a Valentine's Card - photo attached - I love it!

Started Emily back on her Eye Q oil today.  

Her light box arrived this afternnon, so I have put it together and placed it on her bedside cupboard - she will be quite surprised when it is suddenly daylight in her bedroom in the morning.  I did show her (and Robert) what it did, quickly, but I didn't want to leave it on.  If you use it within 4 hours of trying to sleep, it can disturb your sleep pattern.

The fantastic news today, is that Emily said the most she has said for absolutely weeks, completely unprompted ..... "Daddy, I would like more cheesie toast, please Daddy" - WOW!!!!  Of course, cheesie toast was handed over immediately!!!!!!!  Well done Emily - you are amazing!!!!


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