Tuesday 8 February 2011


The reason I have decided to do this blog is that after years of Emily becoming more connected with the world around her, something is happening to her, which is very worrying.

Emily is now 13 years old and appears to have all the hormones of a teenager, but the way they are manifesting themselves is profound.

Emily is very quiet and disconnected a lot of the time.  She still has times of complete connection and joy, but they are interspersed with periods of solitude.

I am in meetings with school, to see if Emily is overstimulated there (she only started school in June last year, after being helped at home since she was 3).

We are trying really hard to work out what the cause of this shutdown is.  I have typed every key word I can think of into Google for inspiration, but nothing - oh, apart from, she is a teenager - hormones are strange things and for some reason, autistic girls react to them more strongly!!!!!  

Well, that's some background!!!

Today, Emily did brilliantly in PE, and seems to really enjoy physical activities.

I told her I loved her at bedtime and asked if she loved me too and she said 'yes, Mummy' for the first time in weeks!!!!

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