Wednesday 16 February 2011


Emily has had a really good couple of days!

Yesterday, after school, we spent a couple of hours in her Den.  We played dress up and lots of ball games and then she looked 'really' tired, so she half lay on the day bed and listened to Ronan Keating for a good hour.  You can see from the photo just how tired she is after school.

Today, I had a meeting at the school, and I have to say, I am very happy with the ways they are trying to help Emily.  They are also taking on board everything I say as well, which is really refreshing and makes for a very good relationship. 

They have added - aromatherapy massage, dance massage and one-on-one interaction and connection play to Emily's timetable and the lady from Autism Outreach spends some time playing with Emily each time she comes to the school.  The School is not a Son-Rise school, but it's approach and ideas are very similar.

Emily's light box arrived on Monday, so each morning now, I turn it on, while Emily listens to music, before she gets up. 

Tonight, at bedtime, Emily was very interactive, smiling and cheeky!!!

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