Friday 11 February 2011


Emily's class celebrated Chinese New Year today and had their faces painted.  Emily actually allowed some-one to paint a rabbit on her cheek!

I was trying to think back to this time last year, as a way of working out if Emily is suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (Robert has it, so it is quite likely that Emily might!).  

However, last winter, Emily was doing her Son-Rise Progam at home with me in Cheltenham and every morning before we went into the playroom for the day, we took our dog Molly to the park for an hour or so.  This meant that Emily got a lot of daylight (when it was bright) first thing every day.

This year, Emily is at school, so she spends hardly any time in the daylight.   

Decided to buy her a light box and it should arrive in a few days.  She has to sit within arms length of it for 1 hour every morning, so I think for the time being,  I will put it on her bedside cabinet and turn it on as soon as she wakes.

During half term, I shall put it in her Focus Room, we have created, and have it on during the morning.

Watch this space ....!!!!  

Hope you like the photos of Emily's face painting.

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