Wednesday 9 March 2011


Emily has now been using her S.A.D. lamp for a while and taking her extra supplements and something seems to be working.

She is gradually emerging from her 'stuck' position. It is so hard to work out what is going on inside her head and how she is feeling, when she never tells me!  What I wouldn't give to be seeing the world from her perspective for just one day!!!

She had her first photography lesson with Robert on Sunday and she had a lovely time and took her first photo of Daddy!

I love these two photos Robert took of Emily too!

Emily also seems to really like her keyboard!

Emily is really suffering with stomach cramps now and I am trying to find a combination of things to help her.  So far, I am trying children's paracetomol syrup, hot water bottle (the type with no water, but beans) you heat up in the microwave and lots of cuddles!!!

She went off to school this morning, with a smile on her face!

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