Tuesday 21 June 2011


I am not sure where to start with this blog, because Emily has done so many things over the last couple of months, but here goes.

After the excitement of my 50th birthday party, life settled down again.

Emily has done lots of cooking with both Robert and myself.

Emily has also taken on the joy of face painting.  This is something that Emily has never wanted to do before, but she loved doing this beautiful one at school.  She chose the colours of pink and black.

Emily also did a wonderful drawing at school of our house and for the first time ever, added a garage.  It is very interesting how Emily has put someone (or Poppy) in every window and has only put curtains in her bedroom window!!  We only have curtains in her bedroom at the moment.

Emily is still taking iron supplements, Eye Q, vitamin D and spends one hour a day with her special sun lamp.   I am still not sure whether Emily suffers with S.A.D., but I have to admit this supplement programme seems to be working well for her.

Emily has been a few school trips and is having such fun and is developing friendships at school, which is fantastic.  She went to Drayton Manor and Emily went on all the big rides (Emily has NEVER been on rides before).  They also went to Conkers Discovery Centre and she had a wonderful day with her school friends.

Emily held a snake at school!!!!  Far braver than me, I can tell you and she has also developed a love for drums!!!!  I have warned the neighbours that we might get Emily some drums for her birthday in August and they are fine with it!!!!

We took Emily to see Peter Pan on Ice at Derby and EMILY LOVED IT.  She was completely fixed into the magic from beginning to end.

The last couple of months have been really good ones for Emily.  She even seems to be moving around generally with much more confidence and her language and interaction has definitely stepped up.  

Yesterday on the way home from school, I asked her "When you get home, would you like to go on your scooter or the trampoline?" and she said "no".  This was brilliant, because she found a way to tell me she wanted to do neither.   Emily has never done this before!  A few minutes later, Emily suddenly said "I would like computer"!!!!  I was so excited.  Emily had actually been thinking about and decided what she wanted to do for herself without me even having to give her a choice - WELL DONE EMILY!!!!! XX

The next blog will report on Emily spending her first night away from home with school - a sleeping bag has been bought for the occasion!  Also Emily will have moved up a class at school, had her 14th birthday and been on holiday to Portugal!! .......... WATCH THIS SPACE!