Wednesday 27 April 2011


Well, what an amazing month April has been.

Emily has really come out of her shell again and we have had such fun.  She also got her first Head Teacher's award for her interaction at school.  She marched out to the front of assembly to collect it and stood with a massive grin on her face.  I am not sure she knew what she had done to get the award, but I am positive she knew she had done something very clever and I was SO proud of her.

On 17th April, we had a family party for my 50th and Emily had a wonderful time with all the guests, the loud music and the food.

Then on Easter weekend, Robert, Emily and I went to Paris for 4 days.

Emily did brilliantly!!!!  We went in a taxi to Leicester Station, then a train to London, then on the Eurostar to Paris and then 2 Metro underground trains to our hotel.  Emily completely took it all in her stride and I was so proud of her.  The Metro in Paris was noisy and busy and quite scary for anyone, but Emily loved it.

We did lots of walking and site seeing in Paris and visited my sister and her family just North of Paris.

April 2011 has definitely been a good month for Emily.